I started running during my third year of law school when I had a crush on a guy who ran. He said, “Do you run?”, to which…
Running and exercise makes me happy. It gives me so much: a chance to try new things, set some wild goals, be around a community of good people and…
I discovered running reluctantly. I needed a way to become more active and find a workout that fit my schedule. I struggled to run consistently until I…
I had a brief flirtation with distance running in college, but it still took me a few more years after that to fall in love with it….
I completed my first road race a few weeks before graduating college, and I’ve been running ever since. As a personal trainer and run coach, running is…
Women Run Montco is a non-profit running club that invites women of any race, sexual orientation, and religion to “run as you are”. Women Run Montco was born out of the need for an official, organized running club exclusively for women in the…
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